Hi All!
I wanted to drop a quick note to simply say we are absolutely a GO for August 8-9...pending the release of our containment by then of course! Our dates and location (Capitol Federal Sports Complex/Fountain Bluff Sports Complex) is confirmed and deposit made. The 2 biggest ‘changes’ I wanted to post about are regarding the age divisions and the recent information handed down from USSSA. First, we will be adding a High School division as an option! With all spring sports being cancelled and high school teams unable to get any games in, I wanted to give the option for these kids to participate in our event. I will have it added to the new flyer being worked on. 2nd, now that USSSA has decided to push back the end of the spring season to August 31st (rather than July 31st) I want to give teams the option of either continuing their spring season or making the move up to their Fall age. I don’t want to alienate teams on either side by forcing you all to play at fall age one weekend and then the next weekend play a spring event (or vice versa.) For some of you, this involves changes in pitching/base path distances, machine to kid pitch, etc… Clear as mud? 😊 When teams commit to play, I will simply ask teams what age level they wish to compete at. This is not a sanctioned event, it’s open roster, and it’s for a WONDERFUL cause. Hope you are all safe and (reasonably) sane!! Comments are closed.
AuthorUpdates from the tournament organizer, Ryan's dad, Matt Hampel, and his amazing wife, Heather. Categories
January 2022